Pingu : episode 666

i was a big fan of pingu in the days. I had all the toys and season DVDs. I just loved pingu.... but i had to take a break from it for 2 moths after the experience i had. It started with a nice summer walk, and then i tripped and found a VHS tape called : "pingu : episode 666 bootleg episode! NEVER SEEN BEFORE. PLEASE DESTROY". The writing was made out of blood, explaining how the letters had dripping blood from them.
My curiosity overtook me to watch it as i went home and put the tape in my VHS player. It started out in act 1, with pingu playing outside with robby, but there was no sound, and no robby...
It just stayed silent, and pingu looked like he was playing with an imaginary friend. After pingu had finished playing for robby for 3 minutes, act 2 began when pingu walked inside of his home, and the sound was back. Pingu's mom and dad looked very sad, and his mom was making real sobbing noises. How would they put this in a kid's show? Pingu began to walk up to his parents, but at the last step he took, it cut to static, but there was a hidden video in the static that i could see very well.
The hidden video was pingu having one BRUTAL fight with pinga as she was crying. Then Pingu began to stomp on pinga, and jumped on her to stand over her. then, pingu got a KNIFE and cut her head off! Then pingu proceeded to eat pinga's organs and guts. Then robby appeared and pushed pingu away into an incinerator, burning him alive, but it was a fakeout and pingu blew robby up with a NUKE.
I almost barfed at that hidden video. The video-filled static cut away and went back to pingu and his sad parents. He spoke, but the unique thing was that it was in subtitles.
pingu : "what's wrong, dad and mom? why have you been put in your depressing misery?"
mom : "she's dead- *sob x4*"
dad : "we loved her very much, and now she has withered away."
Then pingu joined in the sadness. It went on for all of act 2. then, it cut to black, and i saw a sudden flash of pinga's non-organed corpse, lying there and rotting away with flies eating it. I clearly barfed if the hidden video wasn't enough for me. then, after 2 minutes of black, act 3 started. Pingu and his parents were at a graveyard, walking for 3 minutes which was a loop. several tombstones also had the names of characters that were never on the show before.
They said : R.I.P Finn, stewie, stereo, and people who worked on the pingu show. The most out-of place part of the walk was on Finn's tombstone, his hand was on the ground, but it had a darker color. Then they stopped at pinga's coffin which was sitting there, with distorted sounds playing. The sky turned dark grey, and pingu's father sobbed at the coffin. 
The mother opened the coffin, and pinga's same corpse was in there, more rotten. Pingu was shocked, making a flashback of that hidden video, but the difference was that it was CLEAR enough for you to see it. then, Pingu was seen, sobbing, but something was suspicious about that. 
Pingu looked like he was sobbing on the roof instead of the floor. Then, pingu had closed eyes, no further sobbing. Then it zoomed out to make it clear. Pingu had committed suicide on a noose. After 2 seconds of that, it slowly faded into black, ending the episode with only one sentence of credits :
"''suicide is a fun thing to wish for" ''
After that, some file appeared on my computer, called "death.avi" I was very curious at this, so i opened the file. Instead of some other files, i got a shot of a brick wall, being nothing happening for 30 seconds, untill this happened.... Sophia from the sophia show's shadow was blown back into a wall that was unseen, and then pingu was walking up to her, also as a shadow, and he had a....A CHAINSAW???
I thought i was crazy at the thought of a little penguin having a chainsaw. Then, pingu said something in his language, but it was angrier-sounding than it usually was in the normal show, and it had subtitles. He said :
Then pingu beheaded sophia with the chainsaw, and then ink splattered on the wall instead of blood. Then this came up :

sophia is dead. You have never loved her. Ever since her creator made her with MS paint or whatever, you didn't love her. You might as well stop laughing because guess what : you're next...

My heart began to pound at that. That was the episode's main thing that they focused on : suicide, death, murder, etc. I will always wonder why would anyone write this episode. If you see this episode, don't watch it, but you can destroy it if you want to.